EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.227

Game Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade differs from the two other games with the same name as it is a hybrid of various genres such as platform action, motorcycle racing, puzzle solving and even some adventure elements.

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Release Date:



NMS Software


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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade differs from the two other games with the same name as it is a hybrid of various genres such as platform action, motorcycle racing, puzzle solving and even some adventure elements.

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade you play Indy's role in his search for the Holy Grail, but this time it is you who chooses which step he will take at each part of his quest. For example, in the very beginning you receive a diary about the Grail from Indy's father, who is in Venice. At the same time, you receive a telegram from Marcus saying that the Cross of Coronado is in Portugal on a ship called Coronado, and that he'll meet Indy there. So you have to choose what you'll do first: go to Venice and check about the Grail and your father, or go to Portugal to find Marcus and the Cross of Coronado.

In the entire game you'll be prompted with these choices, each one leading to different stages throughout the game. Each stage presents different game genres. For example, in Venice you find a scrambled picture of the Grail, and you have to try to put it back together, just like you'd do with the pieces of a puzzle. Besides, in the platform stages, Indy has plenty of movements, as he can punch, kick, walk, run, jump and use his whip.

The game presents bitmapped pictures of the real movie actors, such as Harrison Ford and Sean Connery.

Retro Achievements

Just Whip ItFound Me A PieceChoose WiselyIndy The Un-WiseContinueless Play ThroughCaves MasteredTrain MasteredCatacombs MasteredCastle Brunwald MasteredAirship MasteredThe Three Trials MasteredDefeat Beamer KlienDefeat "Little Bear"Defeat Circus JackDefeat The Hitler WannabeDefeat The PilotDon't Have Time For You Beamer KlienOut of my way you Indian!Hey Tubby, You're Blocking The Way!No Time To "Heil" AnybodyGive Me Your Plane NowDestroyed Beamer KlienDestroyed "Little Bear"Destroyed Circus JackDestroyed The Hitler WannabeDestroyed Pete

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