EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.227

Game Addams Family Values


The evil Debbie Jelinksi is harming the Addams family once again... She has kidnapped Baby Pubert, and Uncle Fester is the one who must find him and to bring him back to his loving family. The game is based on the live-action movie of the same name.

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The evil Debbie Jelinksi is harming the Addams family once again... She has kidnapped Baby Pubert, and Uncle Fester is the one who must find him and to bring him back to his loving family. The game is based on the live-action movie of the same name.

Addams Family Values is an action adventure game with slight RPG elements (you gain more hit points while proceeding in the game, can upgrade your equipment and special attacks). You control Fester, by moving him around, fighting regular enemies and bosses, talking to members of Addams household, and occasionally solving puzzles. The combat is pure action, Zelda-style.

Retro Achievements

Stone KeyOooh, Shiny!An Eye For ... Something?Why Do You Have a Button?Well, Well, WellThe Spider in the GraveyardLurch's Prized Bowling BallStone Twig KeyA Big Book of BiscuitsA Simple BribeGive Yourself a HandThe Book of Cookie RecipiesReverse Water CleaningWhere is the Head?Favorite ToyJust the Thing I NeedEarthquake in a CookieThe Screen KillerAnd It OpensUsed For Science?Key on the SnowfieldMaking WavesI Would NOT Drink That!Manual for MunchingDoes the Book Fly?Temporary Max HealthPerfect VisionBurst Through the PipesGatekeeperMax UpMap of the GroundsBone KeyGreenhouse KeyBlack RosePlant FeaturesCleaning out the GreenhouseThe Bone SpoonNew BatchRazor WireGolem DropsMarble GrindThe Black CubeSludge WeaponMystic WeaponRoad BlockDesert LightLamentThe Vulture Who Lost MemoryFloral DominationPsychopath SidequestHoarder's LairMake Like a Tree, and LeafA Giant JellyfishAll Keys!ArachnaphobiaWho Ya Gonna Call?Reunited At Last

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Achievements completed 0 of 57

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