EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.211

Game Dudes with Attitude


The dudes with attitudes are on a mission to uncover buried jewels on Caribbean islands. These dudes being referred to are emoticon looking characters who go by the names of Dude, Happy, Patch, Bozo, Babe and Foxy.

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American Video Entertainment


American Video Entertainment
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The dudes with attitudes are on a mission to uncover buried jewels on Caribbean islands. These dudes being referred to are emoticon looking characters who go by the names of Dude, Happy, Patch, Bozo, Babe and Foxy. In this puzzle game, you control one of the dudes as they bounce back and forth across the screen trying to acquire the jewels on the playfield. The one caveat is that your dude has to match the color of the jewel he or she is trying to collect. To become the correct color to snatch up the jewels, you have to bounce across a paint can (an attitude converter) that will change your dude to that of the same color as the paint can. The object in each puzzle is to retrieve all the treasures in a room without their character falling prey to the various enemies in rooms or running out of time. This is an unlicensed game.

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