EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.237

Game Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu : Basic Ban '98


Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98: Basic Edition is a game of Baseball, where we take the role of the nice "pawapurokun", the little tubby baseball players found in all games of the series. The gameplay is classic but dreadfully accurate.

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Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98: Basic Edition is a game of Baseball, where we take the role of the nice "pawapurokun", the little tubby baseball players found in all games of the series. The gameplay is classic but dreadfully accurate. In attack it is necessary to place and have a god like timing to get a good stroke of the bat. A rectangle is displayed in front of the batter delimiting the area in which the pitcher can place the ball without being at fault, and a small square, such as a viewfinder, shows the place where we will hit. At the top of the screen, a "mirror" view shows our batters face and behind him, the receiver of the opposing team. It is necessary to observe his glove to get an idea of where the pitcher will throw. In defense we will run, dive and quickly rethrow the ball in order to eliminate the opponents who managed to hit the ball. The game modes offer a classic championship with all the real professional teams of Japanese leagues and a scenario mode where we take a match in progress in a given situation. There is also an essential training mode to improve.

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