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Game Megami Tensei Gaiden : Last Bible II


Th king of Magoku (Demon Country) is concerned. Only one baby has been born in the kingdom that night. According to ancient prophecies, it is the sign of a revival of a godly power called Gryas... Fast-forward fifteen years.

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Th king of Magoku (Demon Country) is concerned. Only one baby has been born in the kingdom that night. According to ancient prophecies, it is the sign of a revival of a godly power called Gryas... Fast-forward fifteen years. You are Yuri, a young student of powers of Gaia. The king of Magoku has sent his servants to recruit people to face the upcoming revival of Gryas and to destroy him. Yuri and his friends decide to join the recruits, without knowing what this adventure will bring...

Unlike most Megaten games, "Last Bible II" is set in a fantasy world, on a planet Gaia with a medieval culture. You can recruit demons you encounter in random battles and then summon them to fight for you. The moon phase influences the conversations with the demons, and you have to choose the correct answers to their questions in order to recruit them.

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