EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.227

Game Sparkster


Sparkster is a 2D side-scrolling platformer starring the eponymous hero who previously appeared in Rocket Knight Adventures.

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Sparkster is a 2D side-scrolling platformer starring the eponymous hero who previously appeared in Rocket Knight Adventures. It is very different from the contemporary Genesis title Sparkster, as it does not continue the story from the first game and has completely different levels, enemies and gameplay mechanics. In that way it can be considered a spin-off in the series. The introduction merely shows how an elderly man captures a girl and takes her into his airship. At that point Sparkster appears and he decides to chase them.

Sparkster is a rodent carrying a rocket pack on his back. He can move around, duck, jump and hang from branches or rails. His regular attack is a sword slash that sends out a circular projectile. Through the L and R buttons he can dash left and right in a circle of fire. Keeping the attack button pressed powers up a rocket meter. When full, different types or actions can be performed: dashing left, right or up to cover a large distance, ricocheting off walls in a diagonal motion, or a stationary attack.

The game consists of nine levels of which the last two can only be accessed on higher difficulty levels. Sparkster collects diamonds for points, defeats all types of robot enemies and collects apples to restore his heart meter near the top of the screen. Most of the game consists of regular platforming gameplay, with a few diversions where Sparkster rides a robot bird, or is shown from a top-down view flying in the air like a vertically-scrolling shooter. All levels have a level boss along with a large number of mid-level bosses. The game supports a password system.

Retro Achievements

Army Of Turbaned WolvesCarnival Army Of WolvesThanks For Help MeFind More!Wolf Robot LeaderArmy Suicide WolvesGiant Monkey RobotElevatorColonel Wolfheim (Round 1)Piloted Big SnakeRobotic ElephantRecover HealthJokeMore 1 To Earn 1 Rest.Basic Army Of WolvesArmy Of Wolves With FireArmy Of Flying WolvesMore CrystalsArmy Sailors WolvesGeneralissimo's Core BaseAttacking Only The GemsFake Stampy-Do ArmyTraining!Generalissimo Knock Out!Roulette Stage 2Roulette Stage 5Robot Gear BattlePyramid GuardianGolden KnightDesert WormEternal Rival, Axel Gear!Colonel Wolfheim (Round 2)Assembly RobotTotal Humiliation!Missile DestructionGiant Caterpillar With GangSave the Elhorn!Generalissimo LionessI Want Go Home...CRAZY???

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