EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.227

Game Time Lord


In this game you play the role of a time lord who has to travel through time in order to stop time travelling aliens from changing the earths history.

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Milton Bradley
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In this game you play the role of a time lord who has to travel through time in order to stop time travelling aliens from changing the earths history. The Game play involves you fighting off aliens who are dressed like the people from the various time period that you are in. The weapons at your disposal vary depending on what point in time you are in. In order to travel to another time zone you must find 5 orbs which are carefully hidden around each level and require some puzzle solving and platform jumping to get to. Time in this game runs by very fast and you inly have until the year 3000 to complete the game otherwise the world will be blown up.

Retro Achievements

The Milton Bradley Time Travel Research CentreCastle Harman 1250 ADDead Man's Gulch 1860 ADPretty Pretty PrincessStorming the Enchanted PalaceA Fistful of Easy MoneyScatter-GoryPirate and the TravelerNow THIS Is a Crocodile DentistHit the Beach RunningOPERATION, I'm the Doctor For YouSpace CrusadeYou'll Get Caught Up in the Crossfire!Don't Break the IceTwister! The Hot Spot!Remembering a Space Shuttle, January 28thThe Last King of England, February 6thLet's Start This Party With a BANG!Easy As CandyLandGame of SimonThe Restless GunThe Dora Marie 1650Front Line Trenches in France 1943Hungry Hungry HipposRemember the Alamo, March 6thYou Sunk My Battleship!Fall of the House of JengaPrivileges and Prerogatives Granted to ColumbusTime Travel Station USA 2999Escape from JumanjiSaving Private Time Lord, June 6thAxis and AlliesPerfectionGo To The Head of the ClassThe Game of Life

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Achievements completed 0 of 35

Hard mode:0 of 35

Normal mode: 0 of 35

Score: 0


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