EMULATORBOXversion 1.0.259

retro achievement for Harvest Moon

Picture for achievement Farm Under New Management}

Farm Under New Management

Get yourself started by introducing yourself to the Townspeople


retro achievement for Ферма под новым управлением

players activity

avatar nickname or name unlock date mode
1 Grace Hiland 11/19/2024 Hard Mode
2 Kelly Hales 9/8/2024 Hard Mode
3 WILLIAM DAVITZ 1/21/2022 Hard Mode
4 Britt Winter 10/25/2021 Hard Mode
5 Sean Greenberg 5/7/2021 Hard Mode
6 Matthew Verry 5/5/2021 Hard Mode
7 Finley Roberts 1/11/2021 Normal Mode
8 Dylan Whiting Salazar 12/22/2020 Hard Mode
9 Cameron Lowdermilk 11/17/2020 Normal Mode
10 Ксения Барецкая 10/22/2020 Hard Mode
11 Mikayla Mack 9/18/2020 Hard Mode
12 Stephen Cooper 8/26/2020 Hard Mode
13 Derek Osborne 8/15/2020 Hard Mode
14 Максим Бакалов 2/9/2020 Normal Mode

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