Занять 1-е место в чемпионате Кубка Канады.
New Wet Tires
New Gearbox
New Nitro
New Dry Tires
Master Racer
Switzerland 1-1
Usa 1-1
Pro Racer
New Engine
New Armor
Won the Australasia Cup
Won the Britain Cup
Won the Canada Cup
Won the Egypt Cup
Won the France Cup
Won the Germany Cup
Won the Greece Cup
Won the India Cup
Won the Ireland Cup
Won the Italy Cup
Won the Japan Cup
Won the Scandanavia Cup
Maximum Horsepower
Not Slippery When Wet
Shift Into High Gear
Rip a 'Tro
Grip and Go
Fully Loaded
Parade Lap
Pole Position
Pedal to the Metal
Sunday Driver
Japan 1-3
Japan 1-4
Europe 1-1
Europe 1-2
Europe 1-3
Europe 1-4
UK 1-1
UK 1-2
UK 1-3
UK 1-4
Canada 1-1
Canada 1-2
Canada 1-3
Canada 1-4
Egypt 1-1
Egypt 1-2
Egypt 1-3
Egypt 1-4
France 1-1
France 1-2
France 1-3
France 1-4
Germany 1-1
Germany 1-2
Germany 1-3
Germany 1-4
Greece 1-1
Greece 1-2
Greece 1-3
South America 1-1
Greece 1-4
South America 1-2
India 1-1
South America 1-3
India 1-2
South America 1-4
India 1-3
Spain 1-1
India 1-4
Spain 1-2
Ireland 1-1
Spain 1-3
Ireland 1-2
Spain 1-4
Ireland 1-3
Ireland 1-4
Italy 1-1
Italy 1-2
Italy 1-3
Italy 1-4
Switzerland 1-2
Switzerland 1-3
Switzerland 1-4
Usa 1-2
Usa 1-3
Usa 1-4
Australia 1-1
Australia 1-2
Australia 1-3
Australia 1-4
Japan 1-1
Japan 1-2
True Champion of the Australasia Cup
True Champion of the Britain Cup
True Champion of the Canada Cup
True Champion of the Egypt Cup
True Champion of the France Cup
True Champion of the Germany Cup
True Champion of the Greece Cup
True Champion of the India Cup
True Champion of the Ireland Cup
True Champion of the Italy Cup
True Champion of the Japan Cup
True Champion of the Scandanavia Cup
Won the South America Cup
Won the Spain Cup
Won the Switzerland Cup
Won the United State Cup
The Need For Speed
Rocket Engine
True Champion of the South America
True Champion of the Spain Cup
True Champion of the Switzerland Cup
True Champion of the United State Cup
Delicate Driver