Obtain the Double Shot.
Vampire Killer
Wicked Child
Belmont Excavator I (Vampire Killer 1)
Belmont Excavator II (Vampire Killer 2)
Belmont Excavator III (Vampire Killer 3)
Belmont Excavator IV (Vampire Killer 4)
Belmont Excavator V (Stalker 1)
Belmont Excavator VI (Stalker 2)
Belmont Excavator VII (Stalker 3)
Belmont Excavator VIII (Wicked Child 1)
Belmont Excavator IX (Wicked Child 2)
Belmont Excavator X (Wicked Child 3)
Belmont Excavator XI (Walking on the Edge)
Belmont Excavator XII (Walking on the Edge)
Belmont Excavator XIII (Heart of Fire)
Belmont Excavator XIV (Heart of Fire)
Belmont Excavator XV (Heart of Fire)
Belmont Excavator XVI (Out of Time)
Belmont Excavator XVII (Out of Time)
Belmont Excavator XVIII (Nothing to Lose)
Excellent Score
A Whip's Mark Leaves a Lasting Impression
The Whip's Grace Is In Its Motion
The Whip's Lashes Are a Reminder of Consequence
With Great Power Comes a Cracking Whip
A Dagger In the Back
Boomerang Bravery
Flying Blades
Snake Savior
This Wasn't Here Before
Treasure on the Terrace
Vespertilio Fortunus
Moai Mover
Crushed Spirits
Rapa Nui on the Roof
Moonlight Moai
A Score
Decent Score
Doubled Up
Tripled Up
Tempus Cessaverunt
Walking On the Edge
Heart of Fire
Vampire Hunter Arsenal
A Whip's Sting Is a Lesson Learned
Gears and Chains
Danced With the Devil
Holy Water Hero
Stopwatch Stud
Axe Battler
Like Clockwork
Subweapon Savior
Hasty Haunting
The Pride of Frankenstein
Blade Frenzy
Pluribus Modis Occidere
Quinque Mortui Vespertiliones
Nothing to Lose
Mighty Crusader I (Vampire Killer)
Mighty Crusader II (Stalker)
Mighty Crusader III (Wicked Child)
Mighty Crusader IV (Walking on the Edge)
Mighty Crusader V (Heart of Fire)
Mighty Crusader VI (Nothing to Lose)
Vir Fortis Integellus I (The Bat)
Vir Fortis Integellus II (Medusa)
Vir Fortis Integellus III (The Mummies)
Vir Fortis Integellus IV (The Monster and Igor)
Vir Fortis Integellus V (The Grim Reaper)
Vir Fortis Integellus VI (Dracula)
Unbeatable Vampire Slayer
Belmont's Destiny